sally evansEmperor Books & Art
Original watercolour and pastel paintingscontacts
07761 341733
Sally Evans
BA14 7RN

Hello and welcome to my website Emperor Books and Art. I hope you will enjoy browsing my art gallery and the illustrations in my book gallery 'Refections On A secret Pond'. This book will take you on a journey into the beauty of nature as you reflect on life, death and rebirth. Grieving the death of her Grandma, Anna finds spiritual comfort in the turbulent world of the central pond creatures Norris Newt, Tom Toad, Bovis Beetle, and the metamorphosis of Della the Dragonfly. I hope this book will create a soothing escape for young people and adults facing grief and the emotional trials of life.
My original watercolour and pastel paintings of dogs (including my lovely Weimaraner, wildlife, kingfishers, robins, dolphins, fish and turtles) and the Whaddon landscape are available as high quality, limited edition, giclee art prints. They are a thank you to our Creator God for the beauty of the natural world.
Reflections on a secret pond - PROLOGUe
Anna took the familiar path to the pond. The crunch of stubble corn under her feet, juicy brambles swelling in the hedgerows, autumn hues and late summer smells flew her back to autumns past, always beautiful but tinged with sadness at the loss of long summer days. This year, the loss was heightened by her grandma's passing in the spring. Anna recalled the day before her grandma died.
"Where is the secret pond?" Grandma had asked.
Anna sensed her excitement, feeling that her grandma already knew even though she lived many miles away. When she mentioned the dragonfly larvae, her grandmother became strangely quiet as though she too had experienced the magic of this secret place. Did she know she was embarking on life's greatest journey? Had her passing soul been with Anna as she sat mesmerised at the water's edge?
Many times Anna had sat lost in thought about her grandma. They were very close; strangely telepathic at times, she would send feelings of love hoping to fill the void she suffered from living alone. After her death, she remembered opening her grandma's suitcase; gasping at the first thing she saw. At once she was reassured of a greater Presence, a key to understanding the eternal wonders of this world. Life's mysteries were hidden beneath a veil of learning, coincidences, silly thoughts, who knows, but some very difficult to explain away.
Again today, as she walked the same path, Anna felt tantalised by those thoughts. Flimsy wisps of memory formed in her mind; nothing tangible, but enough seed to sow for future lives, a harvest of memories from aeons ago. A moment of clear thought penetrated the mist, a voice echoed in her brain. 'Don't waste this temporal life on trivia, expand your talents, reach your full potential, become a dragonfly.'